Comparison Between Containers LXD vs Docker

August 15, 2022

Comparison Between Containers LXD vs Docker

If you are thinking of containerizing your applications, you are not alone. Containerization is becoming increasingly popular in the world of software development as it provides a lightweight and portable way of packaging and delivering applications. Two popular containerization platforms, LXD and Docker, have been widely used in the industry. In this blog post, we will compare LXD vs Docker containers and discuss their features, strengths, and weaknesses.

What are LXD and Docker Containers?

LXD is a container hypervisor that allows you to run multiple virtual Linux machines (containers) on a single host. It offers a high level of security and performance due to the use of lightweight, highly optimized Linux containers. LXD also offers advanced features such as live migration and can be managed using standard tools such as OpenStack.

On the other hand, Docker is a lightweight containerization platform that allows you to package and deploy applications in a portable format, known as containers. Docker adopts a modular approach, where each application component is packaged into a separate container, making deployment a breeze. It also provides a vast library of pre-built images ready to use, enabling developers to get started quickly.

Feature Comparison

Let's dive into a comparison of the features of LXD and Docker containers.


LXD provides excellent performance for running multiple containers efficiently. Due to its use of Linux Containers, it offers a highly optimized, minimalistic environment to run applications, resulting in faster startup times and low overhead.

Docker is also known for its high performance and low overhead. Due to its layered architecture and minimalist design, it is easy to deploy and manage containers effectively. Docker has a vast library of pre-built images available, making it easy to get started.


LXD provides higher levels of security than Docker as it leverages the Linux kernel's security features. It isolates containers from the host machine, making it difficult for attackers to exploit vulnerabilities. It also provides various security-related features such as user namespaces, seccomp, and AppArmor.

Docker is secure but not as secure as LXD, as it uses a shared kernel approach where applications share the underlying host kernel. Although Docker provides several security features, such as namespaces and cgroups, they cannot guarantee full isolation from the host machine.


LXD is complex and can be challenging to operate. It requires knowledge of Linux systems administration, and the command line interface can be intimidating for beginners. However, the use of standard tools such as OpenStack makes it easier to manage.

Docker is user-friendly and easy to use, even for developers who are new to containerization. It has a straightforward CLI and a web UI, making it easy to deploy and manage containers. Additionally, Docker has an active community and provides excellent documentation, making it easy to get started.


Both LXD and Docker are popular containerization platforms, each with its own set of strengths and weaknesses. For users who require a high level of security, LXD is a better choice. On the other hand, Docker is exceptional when it comes to usability and performance. In the end, the decision between LXD and Docker comes down to your specific needs and requirements. We hope this blog post has been useful in helping you make an informed decision.


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